Tectronics was born from the collaboration of two companies working in vertical consumer technology. One is Captain Tractors, pioneer of the first Mini Tractor of India, also considered to be one of the leading manufacturing companies of mini tractors with a successful market in the tractor business over the last 23 years.
Cutting-Edge Yet Ecofriendly Elevator Machines
Tectronics has an inhouse team of elevator experts who have been working tirelessly to plan the production of environment friendly elevators and elevator parts. Our green energy efficient elevators are made using the top-quality materials. They are ecofriendly, but at the same time, they have almost all the latest features that are needed today. We use the latest technology to make environment friendly elevator machines that work as smartly as any other modern elevator. Our talented team uses sustainable methods to manufacture products, but they keep in mind the latest features and techniques as well just to make sure that all the products that we sell are for best suited for the modern generation.